
oh my, i have to feed my children

So while we were at dinner tonight it hit me. I have to feed children tomorrow.  And as Chris said, “They don’t come pre-fed.” I didn’t think about that until this evening as we hunted for and ate some yummy chicken. What are we going to do for lunch tomorrow? After the 9:00 meeting we are responsible for Kelly and Monica. CHI won’t feed them, the lawyer won’t feed them, but I will! So we went grocery shopping at the SuperMercado across the street. They sell butter and washing machines in there.

Lunch menu: sandwiches (cheese, meat or jelly), yogurt, chips, water. And lots of sweets for backup if there are any meltdowns.

6 replies on “oh my, i have to feed my children”

When we first got Jonathan he would eat pretty much anything we served, in the orphanage it’s probably eat or go hungry. Eventualy he realized (probably from observing his older brothers) “hey, I can eat anything I can find, I don’t have to eat what mom and dad make for dinner” Now he only eats ramon noodles, chicken flavor, and pizza rolls.

God Bless your new family! I am filled with joy today. My prayers are with you for a smooth transition.

Vanessa, Matt, Anna and Wesley Hansen

Hey, Zach, Renee and family! What a pair of blessings! We are so happy for you and the girls – it will be so neat to see them in person! We are praying that all goes well, along with a bunch of other folks. Enjoy!!!!!!!!

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