
They’re Really Ours!

Over the last 24 hours – since receiving Monica and Kelly’s new birth certificate with their new names – I keep feeling like I’m being smacked upside the head.

They’re really ours. It’s a done deal. We’re legally parents.

Perhaps it’s because of the long wait of 2 years that this simple piece of paper just feels so profound.

So last night when I said “Monica quit playing with your food and Kelly stop eating your boogers” (a phrase that every father must utter at some point in life) and Kelly said “Por que?” I could say “Because I’m your Papi” (I then tried to translate why booger eating is not cool…something that’s hard enough to do in English with a 4 year old).

1 reply on “They’re Really Ours!”

Boogers…too funny. Just like in the classroom, with your own kids, you state in your head or aloud, “Things I never thought I would say.” The booger talk eventually gets better when they get older but we still have issues with Josh 😉

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