I love so many of the things Kelly says. She makes me smile and laugh.
Yesterday I picked Kelly up from my mom’s house. It was about dinner time. Kelly wanted to know what we were having for supper and if she could eat it right when we got home because she was so hungry. I said, “Didn’t you have a snack at Grandma’s?” She said, “Yes, I had a laptop.”
“What did you have?”
“A laptop.”
“For a snack?”
“Yes, mommy, a laptop.”
“Kelly, a laptop is a computer.”
“Oh, (giggle giggle). It was a laptart.”
(smile) “You mean a poptart?”
Last week she was giving me a big hug and we were telling each other how much we love one another. She said, “Mommy, I love you soooo much.” I said the same. “Mommy, I love you so much but I only have one heart. I wish I had two hearts so I could love you even more.”
Go back 3 more days when we were at the YMCA for gymnastics. Monica was practicing with the team and Kelly is in a lower level gymnastics class. If you know Kelly, you can imagine how she talks the entire time, and acts like she’s on the stage instead of in a class. She I usually hyper-aware of what Mommy is doing on the sidelines than the instruction her coach is giving her.
I sat watching the girls and trying to get some work done for school while a little 2 year old girl kept throwing a penny at my feet. This went on for about 15 minutes. Honestly, it was driving me crazy. Finally, the little girl looked at me and I said, “Do you want me to show you a trick?” She smiled. So I took her penny and flicked it in a very magical way 😉 Kelly has seen me do this a hundred times. But the little girl was dazzled and kept giving me the penny so I kept doing the magic trick.
All of the sudden I hear Kelly shout, “My mom is SO COOL. She can FLICK a PENNY!!!” Everyone stopped and looked at me. Kelly had the biggest smile on her face. And I felt wonderful. Man, if that’s all it takes. I’m set. If not, I’ll remind Kelly when she’s a teenager that it only took a penny to make me cool.