
Sad Update

It appears that our court keeps asking for more and more paperwork. Our lawyer doesn’t seem to think this is an abnormal process. Unfortunately a possible date for the Sentencia keeps getting pushed back…and back. Right now Olga Elena thinks we might hear something (whatever that means) “next week Wednesday.”

We’ll try our best not to have the boredom of Neiva dampen our resolve for another week. In the meantime, we’d ask for prayers to make the time fly by fast (and our poor daughters to feel the Skype love).

2 replies on “Sad Update”

My heart just breaks for all of you! I feel the pain, strain and angst! Don’t know what God has in mind through all this, but I have to trust Him! …Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray for Zach, Ren, Monica, Kelly and Diego. Make straight Your way before this beloved family, including Grandma and Grandpa Martin. They take refuge in You and are glad! Even in the waiting, let them sing for joy! Spread Your protection over them while they are separated from each other. You surround them with favor as with a shield. Surely You will bless them. Do not let their souls be anguished. Because of Your unfailing love, move the process to bring Diego home swiftly through the courts. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalms)

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